I am one. A horrible one. Poor sweet little Evangeline who looks up to her mama for everything.
A few days ago, Evie was struggling to re-adjust her panties after a little pee break. (Yes, she had them all in a wad.) As she's yanking and pulling and fussing with them, I hear her say, "Damn it! Damn it! DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Of course, I lovingly corrected her, without a trace of a smile (ahem) and then said, "Evie, that is a very impolite word. Please don't say that word anymore."
A few minutes later, still struggling with aforementioned undergarments, I hear her quietly say to herself, "Damn it. Damn it. Damn it."
I respond a little more harshly this time: "Evie! Mama told you not to use that word!"
Evie's eyes shift nervously, and then light up with a brilliant idea. "I didn't say damn it, Mama. I said FAMN IT."
Sigh. Profanity AND lies. It's gonna be a long eighteen years. ;)
Oh yeah. The f-bomb has been dropped a few times over here. ugh
yeah but at least the kid can rhyme, time, shime, climb
awe. Evie...
ok.. those pics are crazy...
I won't *ahem* tell you that she may or may not have heard that from Auntie Gretchen. Because I know I'm not the only source. Bource. Cource. Mource.
She did not learn that from her dad... he uses way stronger words than that.. lol
This is absolutely brilliant! She is probably friends with Jude's imaginary friend Seth. That's where Jude learns all of his bad language. And since Jude and Evie have been together--well, no doubt Seth was also with them.
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