
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Humungo Melody Mother of Evie (and Baby)

I hesitated to post this picture... interestingly enough, not because of the embarrassingly generous girth of my butt errr, belly... but because of the disgustingly dirty mirror that my camera flash revealed. I'd like to blame it on my new vinegar/lavender sprig + recycled newspaper mirror-cleaning regimen, but it's most likely because it hasn't been cleaned it in two weeks... 'Cause you know, I'm too busy composting chicken feces and growing Kombucha SCOBYs...


nanajobx said...

can't wait to pat that pretty belly!

Gretchen said...

If you are growing kombucha scobys please warn me before I come into your house. Guh. ross.

Dirkey said...

What a cute baybee belle.
I grew the Kombucha, cause I was in luv with the vinegary goodness, I'm over it now. I was so born in the wrong decade. :)

MrsKennyD said...

You look great Melody! Not too much longer, huh? Oh, are those your famous goucho pants?!

Melody Strayer said...

Lol, yes... the *infamous* gauchos... :)