
Friday, September 5, 2008

I was coerced...

Let me preface this by saying that it's a horribly presumptuous thing to start a blog. When starting such an endeavor, one assumes at least one of the following three things:

1) My life is tremendously exciting/fascinating, and others are bound to want to live vicariously though it.
2) I have some bit of profound wisdom to impart, and I would be robbing the online community of a huge wealth of wisdom if I DIDN'T start a blog.
3) My kid is cuter/smarter than yours, and while I can't directly tell you that-- I can post a blog about what he/she says or does, or how he/she spoke in complete sentences and could wipe her own bottom when she was 4.5 months old, etc. etc. And the beauty of it is that I can do it in such a way that it seems matter-of-fact, rather than boastful. Even though it's not.

I'm the exception. None of the aforementioned reasons are my motivation in starting a blog, although they could (arguably) all be true. :) Here's the thing-- my friend (and future business partner--Patchouli Baby Unlimited, anyone? :) Kristi-- is pretty much fascinated by my life. And righfully so. Who wouldn't be fascinated by a day-in/day-out routine of get up, nurse the baby, change the baby (swish the diaper), read "Hand Hand Fingers Thumb", feed the baby, pick up smooshed up peas off the floor (or don't), change the baby (swish the diaper), read "Hand Hand Fingers Thumb", nurse the baby, etc. etc., ad nauseam, world without end, amen and amen.

So Kristi, this blog is for you, lady. And if you don't comment at least once, we will probably be fighting.


ctf said...

Yay. I love living vicariously through/lamenting with/laughing with/crying with/ wasting time with my friends. Thanks for sharing with me. HEART stace

Dirkey said...

Ha ha you're awesome!
I'm so excited be prepared for tens (or just 10) visitors to your blog when I link to it :)
Ha ha when I ready soggy I was thinking you were referring to the breastfeeding and was like wow she's really laying it all out there...

Joshs_Rebekah said...

It's about time! ;)

Gwenn Mangine said...

Yay!!! Okay, I can tell I love it already. You are funny. This may be the start of a great career for you--

BTW-- What's Patchouli Baby? Cause I want in. Especially if it's Lavender Patchouli baby... my two favoritest combined scents on earth.

Julie Garner said...

This is going to be my new favorite blog! Thanks for sharing it with me!

I love your life...and mine! (And I don't keep my blog for any of the reasoned you mentioned...or so I say)

Hooray! Melody and Evie in Blogland. Welcome!

Anonymous said...

Melody I am so excited! And I think that it is all of the above for starting a blog... especially the third reason!

Gretchen said...

First of all:
a. It's about damn time.
b. I heart your blog already.
c. You spelled "presumptuous" and "endeavor" incorrectly in the first paragraph.
love you!

Marissa said...

Wait a minute, are you saying that there is more to life than feeding, cleaning and chasing after kids? What could it possibly be????? Hmmm, my kids are 5 and 7, and I'm STILL doing all but the nursing. (I swish, but not with a prefold!)
Can't wait to hear more about your 'life and times', and thanks, Dirkey, for leading me here!

Melody Strayer said...


So noted and so corrected. Poor little Evie; I hope her mom doesn't homeschool her. (space comma space) :)

Anonymous said...

space , space spite of your left handed references to your own wonderful mother, I too am very happy you are blogging. I have always loved your writing ever since Me,Myself and I.

Nick Mangine said...

If you use Firefox to post to your blog, it has built in spell check. So you won't have to deal with Gretchen anymore.

mama k said...

Hi mama!
Welcome to the blogOsphere. Yeah, I started out saying I'm "crispy" but I've totally fell over the edge into the crunchy granola... and it's soo fun! :)

kris said...

What is this business you are starting??

kris said...

Okay--I have NEVER had 13 comments on my blog. You are TOO popular already!

Karen Parrish said...

welcome to the world of blogging. i enjoy bragging about my genius son on mine. i'll admit it. :) you'll be linked from my blog!

Em said...

I love your writing just grabs ya! I've already added you to my faves. It took me awhile to get into bloggin' too, but I finally realized it's a great way to keep in touch.